Saturday, July 22, 2006

HEZBOLLAH - Why do we focus on US

I have been reading allot of blogs and opinions on the war in Lebanon. God help those innocent people!

Part of my frustration is the U.S gets blamed and bad mouthed this terrible, terrible war! My question is:

  1. Where are you getting your information?
  2. What is Saudi Arabia doing for Lebanon?
  3. What is Russia doing for Lebanon?
  4. What is S. Korea doing for Lebanon?


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

DISRESPECT - Do we babyboomers make excuses

These past couple of days I have been thinking about how the children of babyboomers, me included, have children who talk to them in such disrespectful ways.

It is very hurtful to hear our children talk to us like WE ARE THE PROBLEM!!!!

These are what I hear from others regarding the way they talk to us:

Well it's a phase
They are teenagers trying to find themselves
It's how they feel, and they are expressing themselves etc.

If I ever thought about talking to my parents and showing them any disrespect, I would have had my mouth washed out with soap. I may not have liked how my parents handled a situation, but it did make me stop and think before I opened my mouth especially with an attitude.

I believe we are "ACCEPTING AN UNACCEPTABLE" attitude towards us as parents, and I'm not sure why!!!!!!!!!! All I know for sure is, this is called DISRESPECT. Any comments?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My journey

This is day 2 of my blogging. I'm trying to keep a diary of how God has been working in my life. So far, this week my thoughts have been on a special lady God put in my life; how just knowing her for "3" three months (before she went home to be with the Lord,) and my desire to learn about plants and gardening, I have discovered God is STILL HEALING ME!

The number 3, has been very significant to me in my life when I discovered God gets my attention in sequences of three's. This week my threes are: I haven't been able to sleep and my thoughts have been with my friend who I knew for only 3 months. I met her at a plant sale. She was dying of rectal cancer and was due to have surgery. Then came a hurricane which devestated the area.......My husband Bill, and I went searching for her one day and we could not remember how to get to her street, nor could we remember the name of her street. In October of 2005, there was a newspaper article about her and "Her Dying Wish". My husband layed the paper on the coffee table, I said "honey, the plant lady"! Well Bill gets out the area map and tells me how to get there, (I have no sense of direction). I show up at her house, introduce myself, she didn't remember me from the plant sale. That was ok, because I felt it was my mission-calling to help her in her last days. I was going to run her sweeper, do her laundry, and whatever else this woman needed from me. I had the wonderful blessing from God, of knowing this woman for 3 months.....

I'm learning to journal my thoughts . I am very nervous. Hopefully soon, I will figure out how to complete a sentence without "needing" to write it "right/perfect.

to be continued - what we did

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'm trying to keep my brain active. I've added comments to other blog sites, and I'm stepping out. I'm going to try this blog thing.

I feel God has used me this week to help two people in particular...........I in turn, have had so many miraculous revelations about me. I'm beginning to understand.........PRAISE GOD, THROUGH ALL THINGS......and that means THROUGH THE BAD TIMES TOO, HE IS IN CHARGE.

Thank you Lord, my heart is so full of gratitude - You knew when I was so wounded, you would allow me to help others, because I have been there! AND THEN, I received the joy of YOUR LOVE FOR ME, AND YOU WILL CONTINUE TO USE ME....HERE I AM LORD