Last night I had a lengthy telephone conversation with my daughter, who has 2 bi-racial children. Brian is 14, and Jadeyn is 4. Brian is the first grandchild out of 13. He was 2 lb. 8 oz. when he was born, and the doctor thought he was still born. Brian is very small for his age and is on the growth hormones for his small body. He is 90 pounds.
Brian, for the first time has experienced the torment of being neither black or white. His peers are now calling him " a wanna be". Oh my heart is breaking for my sweet grandson. He has decided he doesn't want to go to school now; and has done some blogging on being in a gang!!!!!!
Which of course, he doesn't belong to a gang..........................
He yelled at his mom for "insisting" to monitor his "myspace" that, "my space" is exactly my space. He has been grounded for 2 weeks of NO TV, NO VIDEO GAMES, NO MUSIC...... She expressed to him, how important it is in life to know who you are in order to endure the pitfalls of heart is crying.
The emotions and tears he is facing, I don't know how to help him.
I remember my nephews telling me that because they had an American mum, they were always made fun of, and was very hurtful to them as well.
Oh God, I pray for Brian to have peace, and words to help him.................................Grandma
it is a cruel world.
when I was a child growing up in Libya other children used to make fun of me and my brothers because our mum is Lebanese, the fact that she is an Arab and Muslim did not make any difference!
I wish your grand son the best of luck and maybe a bit of space would be good for him.
Thanks Anglolibyan, yes it can be a very cruel world. I also explained to him to read history. 99% of us are all bi-racial. He didn't want to hear about how God made him special, and go to HIM for strength. He is one angry little 14 year old.
Here in America, if you are in a gang, it's very likely you will be killed..........especially if you "claim" being in a gang, and cross the other gang's territory, just walking down the street. I am guessing, he was using this as a defense mechanism to ward off these cruel kids, he has been going to school with everyday for 8 years.
I don't understand "a bit of space would be good for him". what does that mean. How do you give space to a 14 year old? Thanks again, and hope you are doing well. Sandi
I meant let him be himself and do what he wants within limits and make him feel like an adult, im sure all of you are doing the best you can, its just a suggestion.
have a lovely day.
Got it, I'm a little slow in "getting it" sometimes. When he comes here to Florida, he fishes off our dock, swims and is non-stop.........He's a joy. and he knows his grandma loves him "from the bottom of the ocean to the top of the sky!"
Due to the fact his learning abilities are more "audio" than reading, he gets frustrated when he and his mom do homework every night of the week, for no less than 4 hours. That's alot of homework time, plus school time. Kids also need to "play" more. Thanks for helping me understand Angliolibyan You are so sweet! Sandi
first i want to say what a small world . it turned out to be your sister . i do pray for your brother inlaw during Ramadan and God will help him defintly , i have a big faith that things will be fine ....
when i was young people used to make fun of me , but not because i am half half , because i am full Libyan , but i live in Tripoli and my dada from misrata and mum from east of Libya , so i have a mixture accent from both and [people used to make fun of me , and my mum is always named that ( SHERGAWIA) eastern woman , i really hate that , it's all Libya in the End and eastern are not better than western and western defintly not better than eastern ...
also i was blonde when i was young ( GEL RUINDS MY HAIR) and people used to make fun of me because of that , i remeber me and another boy used to be the only blondes in school and Kids used to hates us , through stones on us , and in the same time they waned to be friends with us..
unfortuntly i am not that blonde anymore as i destropyed my hair with The GEL , but in some places people look at me like i am an Alien ...
wish the best for ur grandsonm , God Protect him inshallah....
God be with him as I know first hand how hard it is to go through school with others making fun of you. It is a cruel world. Sometimes growing up gets no better but you just have to find your own way, and sometimes it does get better. I pray that Brian finds his way. And that its the right way. I know he is a good boy deep down. God Bless
p.s. keep us all informed
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