DISRESPECT - Do we babyboomers make excuses
These past couple of days I have been thinking about how the children of babyboomers, me included, have children who talk to them in such disrespectful ways.
It is very hurtful to hear our children talk to us like WE ARE THE PROBLEM!!!!
These are what I hear from others regarding the way they talk to us:
Well it's a phase
They are teenagers trying to find themselves
It's how they feel, and they are expressing themselves etc.
If I ever thought about talking to my parents and showing them any disrespect, I would have had my mouth washed out with soap. I may not have liked how my parents handled a situation, but it did make me stop and think before I opened my mouth especially with an attitude.
I believe we are "ACCEPTING AN UNACCEPTABLE" attitude towards us as parents, and I'm not sure why!!!!!!!!!! All I know for sure is, this is called DISRESPECT. Any comments?
Sandi, Babyboomer or not I believe any child no matter what age should never speak disrespectful to their parent...or any elder for that matter. I do believe some parents or others, do make excuses but its nothing short of plain disrespect. Nice topic. I only hope you havent been disrespected lately. No one deserves that. Have a Good day today and a better one tomorrow!
Thank you anonymous for your input. No I have not been disrespected lately, although I have been seen this firs-handed. I have learned to say to my children when they gruff with me, that I do not deserve to be spoken to in this manner........Thank you, I do chose to have a good day, I'm picking up my newphew from Libya who is due into Miami around 1:45pm.
Well Sandi I see that we're discussing the same topic with different experiences. Disrespect is the same all over it seems.Could this be cause we want to be their friends that they take advantage of this ??Think about it I believe we're much nicer to our kids than our parents were. We lived under stricter rules whereas it's a bit different for them.
disrespect to parents is never acceptable and no excuses should be made about it.
I totally agree. If it's a phase, it needs to die. At least we can respect the very people who brought us into the world.
I think that this is so important. my son is only two - and even now, i am trying to teach him his manners and to speak respectfully to me and to adults. Saying Please, thank you, your welcome... Words have such power to build up or tear down someone's self-esteem and self worth. I think the best thing parents can do is start teaching this to their kids when their young. My mom always told me if you don't have anything nice to say it is better not to say anything at all!
Im my oppinion, I believe we as a people have brought this on ourselves. I think we have taken ideas such as "Freedom of speech", and "Tolerance", and elevated them to an almost spiritual level. While these are good concepts, they need to be coupled with some common sense. God never intended for us to have complete freedom of speech. I realize, as an american this may be heresy, but who cares.
I LOVE your blog, even when i disagree with you.
Keep up the good work!
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